
The nutritional value of mushrooms

For thousands of years, Eastern cultures have revered mushrooms' health benefits. 1 Mushrooms have long been celebrated as a source of powerful nutrients, but they can also help Americans meet the dietary recommendations set forth in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and Institute of Medicine's Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Because Americans often eat mushrooms* and when they do, they tend to eat a healthier diet**, these positive benefits of mushrooms can have potential impact. Often grouped with vegetables, mushrooms provide many of the nutritional attributes of produce, as well as attributes more commonly found in meat, beans or grains. Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free, gluten-free , and very low in sodium , yet they provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium (8%), riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D and more. Nutrition researchers, communicators, and government and industry organizations who participated in the Mushrooms and Health Summit in Washington, DC, in September, 2013 explored the current state of the science. Summit proceedings, published in the Journal of Nutrition provide a review of the research supporting mushrooms as a food to help Americans eat healthy, responsible, sustainable diets.

Mushrooms are fungi, which are so distinct in nature they are classified as their
own kingdom – separate from plants or animals. While commonly placed in the
vegetable category for dietary recommendations, mushrooms are, however, not a vegetable based on their cellular organization and composition such as chitin and ergosterol. In fact, as the authors of a recent Nutrition Today article noted, mushrooms' nutrient and culinary characteristics suggest it may be time to re-evaluate food groupings and health benefits in the context of three separate food kingdoms: plants/ botany; animals/zoology and fungi/mycology.
Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins , including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates 2 . B vitamins also play an important role in the nervous system.
Pantothenic acid helps with the production of hormones and also plays an important role in the nervous system 2 .
Riboflavin helps maintain healthy red blood cells 2 .
Niacin promotes healthy skin and makes sure the digestive and nervous systems function properly 2 .
Mushrooms are also a source of important minerals :
Selenium is a mineral that works as an antioxidant to protect body cells from damage that might lead to heart disease, some cancers and other diseases of aging 2 . It also has been found to be important for the immune system and fertility in
men 3 . Many foods of animal origin and grains are good sources of selenium, but mushrooms are among the richest sources of selenium in the produce aisle and provide 8-22 mcg per serving 4 . This is good news for vegetarians, whose sources of selenium are limited.
Ergothioneine is a naturally occurring antioxidant that also may help protect the body's cells. Mushrooms provide 2.8-4.9 mg of ergothioneine per serving of white, portabella or crimini mushrooms 5 .
Copper helps make red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Copper
also helps keep bones and nerves healthy 2 .
Potassium is an important mineral many people do not get enough of. It aids in the maintenance of normal fluid and mineral balance, which helps control blood pressure. It also plays a role in making sure nerves and muscles, including the heart, function properly 2 . Mushrooms have 98-376 mg of potassium per 84 gram serving, which is 3-11 percent of the Daily Value 4 .

by fresh mushroom

Why the humble mushroom is being hailed as a superfood

蘑菇很容易在所谓的彩虹的颜色,我们都建议吃得到全方位的,从水果和蔬菜的营养价值被忽视。但越来越多的研究揭示了为什么他们现在有资格加入所谓的超级食品,如西兰花和蓝莓的行列。大量研究表明,蘑菇可能有助于降低心脏疾病和癌症的风险。“蘑菇看似平淡,但他们真的是一个超级食品”,营养学家廖秀冬辛克说。“他们几乎不含脂肪,糖和盐分,是膳食纤维的重要来源,以及五B族维生素硫胺素(B1),核黄素(B2),尼克酸(B3),吡哆醇(B6)和叶酸。“它们还包含必需矿物质钾,铜,磷和铁。“大多数显著他们当中矿物质含量的硒,你没有发现在许多水果和蔬菜做的。” 有超过90%的水分含量,添加蘑菇菜肴,如炖肉可以让我们感到不提高卡路里含量更全面。超过2500种不同品种,生长在野外,但是到现在为止大部分研究都集中在了异国情调的类型。积极抗病毒化合物香菇多糖,存在于香菇,已经发现,以刺激免疫系统。该香菇还可以帮助降低血液中的胆固醇,减少饱和脂肪的有害影响。该灰树花是β-葡聚糖,具有潜在的抗肿瘤效果的丰富来源。即使是少量的,树的耳朵 - 或木耳边 - 蘑菇,能稀释血液,帮助预防心脏疾病和中风。不起眼的白色蘑菇也可以携带显著的健康益处。研究人员在宾夕法尼亚州立大学的发现,只是极少数拥有约12倍的强大的抗氧化剂,L-麦角硫因的比小麦胚芽,比鸡肝多四倍,以前被认为是最好的来源。L-麦角硫因的作品在被称为自由基细胞损伤的物质和破坏保护人体的DNA。作为这项研究的结果是,大学主张白蘑菇被提升到“超级食品”的地位。与此同时,汉阳大学在韩国发现香菇可降低患乳腺癌的风险。辛克博士说,我们大多数人没有意识到蘑菇算作我们的五人天的水果和蔬菜的一种:80克份量提供一个部分。安吉拉EPSTEIN FOR THE DAILY MAIL

